Chords to choose from in every key (including embellishing chords). Mix, match, and create beautiful chord progressions just by dragging in the chords you want. These 372 chords are your building blocks to perfect melodic compositions.
Simple, but beautiful sounding 3 note chords in every scale. These Progressions have 6 different variations in each folder. Drag and drop them right into your piano roll and instantly have a beautiful progression to build a beat off of.
Build your own from scratch!!
These Chord templates that will highlight specific notes in scale so you can build your own amazing progressions and chords!!
(This will also make it impossible for your music to be out of key!)
Don't Worry, This Pack is Compatible with all your Favorite DAWS
such as FL Studio, Pro Tools, Ableton, Logic, Cubase, Reaper, & Studio One